My personal preference is to move away from the big corporation data collection and De-google my life focusing on privacy and security. For this I’ve opted into getting a Pixel phone and install GrapheneOS. Below are some the applications that I’m using to accomplish this.
Below are the resources that inspired my setup, along with the tools I use for researching these applications.
- 3-24-2025
- I will no longer be utilizing F-Droid to install my open-source applications instead I will be using and download the applications from their sources which will be primarily Github.
- The F-Droid App Store tag will be ignored and will not be maintain moving forward.
I will start documenting changes starting today 3-24-2025 for those that are have not visited this page in a while.
- Added new column for primary app and secondary app, the secondary apps were used previously but I’ve elected a new app for something specific that the other app doesn’t offer or that I couldn’t get to work.
- Added a URL column to add their website or github repo.
Application Alternatives
Awesome Privacy -
Side Of Burritos